About Us

In an increasingly complex energy market, forward-looking decisions are associated with great uncertainties and risks. With our model-based analysis, we ensure transparency. We disclose the complex relationships within and between the energy sectors and combine our findings into an overall energy picture.

We minimize market risks for our clients and give you more security in your business decisions. We do this successfully. Since more than 15 years, in Germany and Europe. We advise market players; from the fields of energy supply and industry, but also municipalities, interest groups and politics.

The foundation for our consulting is a deep and fundamental understanding of the market. We collect comprehensive market data in our energy-related databases every day. We analyze the market data with an interdisciplinary team of experienced market experts in self-developed, model-based analysis models. We provide answers to the current questions of the energy industry: Individually. Creative. Founded.

Our fields of consulting

Renewable Energies

The energy sector is strongly influenced by renewable energies and will be dominated by them in the future. We advise on the (regional) expansion of individual renewable generation portfolios, help optimizing marketing strategies (inside and outside the EEG), structure and evaluate PPAs and develop market models (e.g. wind & PV auction models) as the basis for strategic decisions. Market players, interest groups and political decision makers are among our clients.

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Sector Coupling

The energy policy discussion on strategies and measures of sector coupling is in full swing. The focus is on the use of renewable electricity, especially in the heating and transport sector. We accompany the energy policy process with market analysis, studies and position papers. We anticipate the expected effects of sector coupling on corporate strategies, not least in order to be able to make necessary repositioning.

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Power Market

We observe the changing framework conditions and structures of the electricity market as well as the heat and transport sectors. We systematically search for and capture all available market information. We analyze the raw data with complex analysis models and gain insights into which factors influence the market today and tomorrow. Our analysis show tailor-made options for action and market strategies for the energy market.

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Market & Regulation

The energy policy (re-) regulation of large market segments has an impact on corporate strategies. The rapid change in the energy policy framework contradicts the longevity and capital intensity of energy investment. Market monitoring and a continuous political dialogue are gaining in importance. We assess the impact of policy proposals and bring our own positions into the political discussion, working across all sectors, energy sources and market segments.

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Gas Market

Gas market liberalization is constantly changing structures in the German and international gas markets. They are more transparent, but more complex. Procurement or investment decisions require extensive market analysis. Sales strategies require precise knowledge of pricing and margins from gas production to end customer supply. We have years of experience in commercial structures, pricing and margins along the entire value chain.

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Arbitration Procedures

Arguing parties on the interpretation and applicability of regulations in long-term energy supply contracts, it comes regularly to arbitration proceedings. For years, we have been involved as experts in German and international arbitration proceedings (procedures according to DIS (german institution for arbitration procedures) or according to various international arbitral tribunal regulations, such as ICC Stockholm or VIAC Vienna). We analyze market conditions, discuss options for settlement and represent our clients as reviewers before arbitral tribunals.

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Überspringe Zeitstrahl

Actio - Reactio


Electricity price brake act (Strompreisbremsegesetz)

EEG offshore tenders in the central model

Market ramp-up PPAs

Optimization of revenue skimming for generation plants

Revenue expertise for 8 GW of offshore capacity

Systematic PPA sourcing for producers and consumers


Renewable energy law 2023

Projects for future electricity market design

Systematic tendering of direct marketing contracts for large RE portfolios


New climate protection law

High Price Phase Gas, Electricity & CO2

"Fit for 55" EU Commission Package

Tool for optimized self-consumption assessment: own RE generation for industry

Accompaniment of first PPA deals for electrolysis of green hydrogen

Studies on Decarbonized Electricity Markets in EU & Western Balkan Countries


First major PPA deals in Germany

Coal-fired Power Generation Termination Act 2020

PPA-Pricing tool incl. risk assessment & hedging

Coal phase-out studies

Tool for coal set-aside tenders


Climate Protection Program 2030

Announcement of the EU Green Deal

PPA atlases

revenue atlases

revenue atlases

Accompaniment of the currently largest corporate offshore PPA in Germany


auction model PV Germany


Electricity Market Act
Combined Heat and Power Act 2016
Renewable Energies Act 2016/2017

auction model wind Germany
forecast of auction results

market value atlas pv Germany und France (online)

market value atlas wind (online) additional european regions

heat sector model
spatial high resolution forecast of heat requirement and fulfillment of demand

transport sectors model
development of traffic and fuel demand

coupling of electricity, heat and transport sectors model

auction model combined heat and power
Derivation of bid strategies


Renewable Energies Act 2014

online version

valuation of regional network bottlenecks

online version of the european electricity market model


Combined Heat and Power Act 2012
Renewable Energies Act 2012

extension consideration of different market designs
extension detailed weather consideration (europe)


project database wind germany

market value atlas wind Germany (online)
valuation of direct marketing

2008 - 2011

Energy Industry Act 2008
Combined Heat and Power Act 2008
Renewable Energies Act 2009
Atomic Energy Act 2010 (Lifetime extension)
Energy Industry Act 2011
Atomic Energy Act 2011 (nuclear phaseout)

valuation of gas storage products

model for optimisation of gasprocurement

extension for the control power market

2004 - 2007

Renewable Energies Act 2004
Energy Industry Act 2005
Co2 - Trading (EU ETS), 2005

add-on network regions (bottleneck consideration, transmission grid)


Energy Industry Act 2003

add-on Co2 trading
extension europe (UCTE)


Atomic Energy Act 2002

enervis MarketPower (emp)
fundamental model for the german electricity market


Foundation of enervis

enervis dispatch models
Operational optimization of power plants


Nuclear Consensus 2000
Combined Heat and Power Act 2000
Renewable Energies Act 2000


Energy Industry Act 1998

In den Büroräumen.  Foto: Timm Kölln
Blick auf den Wolkenbügel. Foto: Timm Kölln
In den Büroräumen. Foto: Timm Kölln

enervis management consulting stands for:

  • Trustful cooperation
  • Market observation and analysis
  • Market understanding, in increasingly complex markets
  • Focusing on decision-relevant information
  • Smart and forward-looking market strategies
  • Energy management
Our clients. A selection.

»Where everyone thinks the same, not much is thought.«

Walter Lippmann

Sarah Milanzi Porträt

Outstanding results emerge where individual skills and shared passion for the energy industry come together in one team.

Ivo SChmidt
Elias Mohammed
Julius Buschle
Blick zur Oberbaumbrücke. Foto: Tim Kölln

How can we assist you?

Give us a call, send an email or use our contact form. We will be happy to hear from you.

Your Contact

Daniela Nickel
Fon +49 (0)30 695175-0
E-Mail: bewerbung@enervis.de