Online-Seminars & Webinars

In our Webinars and Online-Seminars we inform about current and future topics of the energy industry. Please note that most Webinars and Online-Seminars are held in German. Should you be interested in Webinars and Online-Seminars held in English, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 19.02. + 17.06.2025
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs
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Free Webinar, 21.02.2025
Costs, benefits and contractual design of 24/7 PPA
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Fee-based Online-Seminar, 24.02. + 23.04.2025
Battery storage - basics: business cases, revenue assessment & marketing
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Free Webinar, 25.02.2025
More revenue thanks to negative prices: Can existing plants benefit from the switch to Section 51?
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Fee-based Online-Seminar, 03.03. + 29.04.2025
Battery storage - in-depth: co-location, cannibalisation and economic efficiency
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Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.03.2025
Design options for a new RE market design based on the BMWK
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Fee-based Online-Seminar, 05.03., 04.06., 09.07. + 15.10.2025
From green PPA to green hydrogen - procurement and design of RED II-compliant PPAs and HPAs
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Free Webinar, 06.03.2025
Successful green electricity: mastering the pitfalls between PPA and accounting
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Fee-based Online-Seminar, 09.04.2025
Direct supply from the industry and direct-wire-PPA: commercial advantages and regulatory requirements
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The following webinars have taken place already:


Free Webinar, 06.02.2025
Energy Industry Agenda 2025 - The 360° panoramic view for market players


Free Webinar, 05.02.2025
From the tonne to the yield - new impetus for the German biomethane market


Free Webinar, 04.02.2025
From vision to reality: the ramp-up of the hydrogen market in Germany


Free Webinar, 30.01.2025
Outlook for the heating transition - What will the new year bring for the heating sector?


Free Webinar, 29.01.2025
Energy procurement 2025 - challenges and influencing factors in the utility environment


Free Webinar, 28.01.2025
enerStorage Pro Co-Location Extension


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 22.01.2025
Direct supply from the industry and direct-wire PPAs: commercial advantages and regulatory requirements


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 15.01.2025
Battery - market overview, business models and evaluation


Free Webinar, 16.12.2024
enerStorage Pro Co-Location-Extension


Free Webinar, 11.12.2024
Negative Prices & Volatility: Risks and Rewards for Business Models in Germany’s Power Market


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 27.11.2024
From green PPA to green hydrogen - Procurement and design of RED II-compliant PPAs and HPAs


Free Webinar, 21.11.2024
Turnaround in energy procurement? - Procurement strategies and models of electricity and gas suppliers put to the test


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 21.11.2024
Direct supply from the industry and direct-wire PPAs: commercial advantages and regulatory requirements


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 20.11.2024
Successful transition to green electricity - trends, opportunities and risks of corporate PPAs


Free Webinar, 15.11.2024
Unlocking Procurement Best Practices for PPAs: Game Theory Meets Energy Economics (with TWS partners)


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 13.11.2024
Battery - market overview, business models and evaluation


Free Webinar, 15.10.2024
The concretisation of the power plant strategy - key points, implications and strategies


Free Webinar, 11.10.2024
Battery storage in Germany – revenue prospects and marketing


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 10.10.2024
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 09.10.2024
From green PPA to green hydrogen - Procurement and design of RED II-compliant PPAs and HPAs


Free Webinar, 19.09.2024
Free webinar: Negative prices and section 51: effects on marketing, cash flows and debt financing


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 10.09.2024
Battery - market overview, business models and evaluation


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.09.2024
Direct supply from the industry and direct-wire PPAs: commercial advantages and regulatory requirements


Free Webinar, 23.07.2024
Price impacts of a potential bidding zone split in Germany


Free Webinar, 17.07.2024
BESS projects in Germany: Business Models, Regulatory Framework and Financing Opportunities – joint webinar with Capcora, Bird&Bird and enervis


Free Webinar, 10.07.2024
Battery Storage in Germany – Market Development and Revenue Streams of Stand-Alone Storage Systems


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 09.07.2024
Direct supply from the industry and direct-wire PPAs: commercial advantages and regulatory requirements


Free Webinar, 05.07.2024
Battery power saviour: Can co-located battery storage solve the challenge of small grid connections and negative prices?


Free Webinar, 03.07.2024
Green PPA & HPA: Enabling the Hydrogen Economy – Market trends, regulatory insights, and procurement for green hydrogen agreements.


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 26.06.2024
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Free Webinar, 29.05.2024
PV auction modelling - using market intelligence to optimise bids in the EEG tenders for the 1st segment


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 25.04.2024
Opportunities and risks of the GHG quota in the transport sector - outlook on regulation and the quota market


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 24.04.2024
Battery - market overview, business models and evaluation


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 23.04.2024
From green PPA to green hydrogen - Procurement and design of RED II-compliant PPAs and HPAs


Free Webinar, 22.03.2024
Battery storage - business cases, profitability and prospects


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 07.03.2024
Powering into 2024 - Trends, opportunities and risks of corporate PPAs


Free Webinar, 04.03.2024
Renewable Power Market Update 2024


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 28.02.2024
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 05.12.2023
From green PPA to green hydrogen - Procurement and design of RED II-compliant PPAs and HPAs


Free Webinar, 24.11.2023
enertalk - The enervis online fireside chat in Q4/2023


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 08.11.2023
Unlocking Procurement Best Practices for PPAs: Game Theory Meets Energy Economics (with TWS partners)


Free Webinar, 07.11.2023
Battery storage - business cases, economic viability and prospects


Free Webinar, 03.11.2023
It's a match! Industry and renewables as the new dream couple?!


Free Webinar, 06.10.2023
Optimising your climate strategy by FutureCamp and enervis


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 20.09.2023
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 21.06.2023
New normal? Corporate PPA after the energy crisis - impulses from the market 2023


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 16.06.2023
User seminar on the TSO template for revenue skimming for wind onshore and PV


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 15.05.2023
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 27.04.2023
New impetus for the heating turnaround? - The future of the heating market in Germany


Free Webinar, 26.04.2023
enertrack PV & Wind: A data-based analysis of the project pipeline for ground-mounted PV and onshore wind


Free Webinar, 13.04.2023
Easy evaluation of market PPA prices with the PPA Atlas PV


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 16.03.2023
Greenhouse gas reduction quotas – GHG reduction obligations and revenue potentials


Free Webinar, 09.03.2023
Expert webinar: 2022 - a crazy year for renewables?!


Free Webinar, 09.02.2023
Revenue absorption: Optimizing costs and complying with regulatory requirements - a look at practice


Free Webinar, 09.02.2023
enertalk - The enervis online fireside chat in Q1/2023


Free Webinar, 08.02.2023
EEG tenders for FF-PV: Innovations and implications


Free Webinar, 03.02.2023
Rollercoaster ride in the PPA market in 2022, what's next now in 2023?


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 24.01.2023
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 20.01.2023
Revenue absorption for wind and PV projects under the Electricity Price Brake Act: Understanding and preparing revenue absorption in a well-founded manner


Free Webinar, 19.01.2023
Future Market Gas - Impact of LNG Imports and EU Gas Price Cap on Germany


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 13.12.2022
Hydrogen - Regulatory Framework and Potential Business Areas in the Hydrogen Market


Free Webinar, 13.12.2022
Presentation of the study "Analysis of innovative plant designs for an electricity market optimized PV portfolio"


Free Webinar, 02.12.2022
Revenue absorption in the power market - mechanism and impact on producers
Sector Coupling | enervis


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 17.11.2022
Gas procurement by municipal utilities and industrial customers - What options exist in the market and what impact does this have on companies?


Free Webinar, 03.11.2022
Power Price Brake: Skimming Mechanism for Forward Transactions and Effects on Renewables


Free Webinar, 21.10.2022
Electricity and Gas Market Brake Update - Proposal, Effect, Implications


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.10.2022
PPA Intensive Seminar: Understanding, Evaluating and Successfully Closing PPAs


Free Webinar, 28.09.2022
Start of federal funding for efficient heating networks - an overview of the most important innovations


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 21.09.2022
Greenhouse gas reduction quotas – GHG reduction obligations and revenue potentials


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 14.09.2022
New hydrogen innovation tender - possible plant concepts and their economic viability


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 12.09.2022
Change from monthly market value to annual market value – analysis of the effects for EEG projects


Free Webinar, 08.09.2022
Power Price Break - Proposal, Effect, Implications


Free Webinar, 31.08.2022
The Perfect Storm – Making Sense of the European Power Price Rally
Gasmarkt |


Free Webinar, 30.06.2022
"Gas alarm": measures and effect in the power market!


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 01.06.2022
Hydrogen - Regulatory Framework and Potential Business Areas in the Hydrogen Market


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 05.05.2022
Change from monthly market value to annual market value - analysis of the effects for EEG projects


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.05.2022
Green power for industry: procurement and evaluation of PPAs


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 30.03.2022
Greenhouse gas reduction quotas - GHG reduction obligations and revenue potentials


Free Webinar, 17.03.2022
The Russia Crisis: Quo Vadis Energy Markets?


Free Webinar, 10.03.2022
enertalk - The enervis expert forum Q1 2022


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 10.03.2022
Guarantees of origin for green electricity - drivers and factors influencing future prices


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.03.2022
Innovation tenders 2022 - framework conditions and opportunities for PV with storage


Fee-based Online-Seminar, 02.03.2022
Heating grids - decarbonisation and replacement investments


Free Webinar, 23.02.2022
New revenue situation for EEG projects from 2023 - change in the calculation of the market premium


Free Webinar, 08.02.2022
PV Auction in March 2022: Evaluations of the PV Pipeline
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 20.01.2022
"Real" green power for end customers: Energy suppliers as a hub for PPAs and quality-differentiated guarantees of origin
Free Webinar, 20.12.2021
The coalition negotiations: Results and effect on the electricity market
Free Webinar, 13.12.2021
The coalition negotiations: Results and effect on the electricity market
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 09.12.2021
Guarantees of origin for green electricity - drivers and factors influencing future prices
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 08.12.2021
Green PPAs for Hydrogen and Industry: From Hype to Reality?
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 07.12.2021
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 06.12.2021
Power price record: How you can secure attractive additional revenues now as an operator of EEG plants!
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 02.12.2021
Hydrogen - Regulatory Framework and Potential Business Areas in the Hydrogen Market
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 30.11.2021
Innovation tenders 2022 - framework conditions and opportunities for PV with storage
Fee-based Online-Semiar, 02.11.2021
Power price record: How you can secure attractive additional revenues now as an operator of EEG plants!
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 06.10.2021
Power price record: How you can secure attractive additional revenues now as an operator of EEG plants!
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 05.10.2021
Fuel Emission Trading
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 29.09.2021
Market overview of the PV project pipeline: Success factor for successful tender participation
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 23.09.2021
Guarantees of origin for green electricity - drivers and factors influencing future prices
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 22.07.2021
Green PPAs for Hydrogen and Industry: From Hype to Reality?
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 06.07.2021
Innovation Call: Subsidized Experience Building for Battery Storage and PPA
Free Webinar, 02.07.2021
Innovation Call webinar: Outlook and review
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 11.06.2021
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 10.06.2021
Guarantees of origin for green electricity - drivers and factors influencing future prices
Free Webinar, 26.05.2021
Emerging renewable markets in Central-East and South-East Europe
Free Webinar, 27.04.2021
Dispute Resolution of long-term PPAs in Spain
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 20.04.2021
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 15.04.2021
Revenue valuation for ground-mounted photovoltaic systems in the EEG
Free Webinar, 13.04.2021
Webinar on funding requirements for conversion of coal-fired power plants to biomass
Free Webinar, 25.03.2021
European Guarantees of Origin - Market Overview and Historic Analyses
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 23.03.2021
Consequences of the new paragraph 51 in the EEG 2021? Who wins? Who loses?
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 04.03.2021
Fuel Emission Trading
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 26.02.2021
Innovation Call: Subsidized Experience Building for Battery Storage and PPA
Free Webinar, 17.02.2021
Investing into the German Renewable Market: Introduction to the Market and Regulatory Framework for Wind and Solar
Free Webinar, 15.02.2021
Navigating through the French renewables’ tenders
Free Webinar, 01.02.2021
Outlook for PV Tenders under the EEG 2021
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 27.01.2021
Consequences of the new paragraph 51 in the EEG 2021? Who wins? Who loses?
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 19.01.2021
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 18.01.2021
EEG 2021: Importance for investments in Wind Onshore & PV projects
Free Webinar, 13.01.2021
New regulatory framework for renewables in Germany: EEG 2021
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 26.11.2020
Marketing strategies for storage with support via the innovation tender for proposals
Fee-based Webinar, 19.11.2020
Continued operation for wind: evaluation of marketing options.
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 12.11.2020
Photovoltaics in the EEG 2021: Energy Economic Assessment
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 03.11.2020
EEG 2021: Importance of the draft for investments in Wind Onshore & PV projects
Free Webinar, 28.10.2020
PV Tenders: Review, Outlook, Project Developer Ranking
Free Webinar, 28.09.2020
Navigating through the Polish Renewables Tender
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 22.09.2020
Fuel Emission Trading Act
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 17.09.2020
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 15.09.2020
What is it about coloured hydrogen? - Between necessity and business case.
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 15.09.2020
EEG 2021: Importance of the draft bill for investments in Wind Onshore & PV projects
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 18.08.2020
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Free Webinar, 29.07.2020
PV open space projects: Evaluations of the current pipeline
Free Webinar, 20.07.2020
PV open space projects: Evaluations of the current pipeline
Free Webinar 17.06.2020
Effects of COVID-19 on the energy industry
Free Webinar 16.06.2020
Efficient procurement of PPAs by tender and round based auction
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 28.05.2020
Success factors for the 1st innovation call
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 27.05.2020
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Free Webinar, 26.05.2020
New PV boom? - Merchant PV conquers the German power market
Free Webinar, 05.05.2020
Efficient procurement of PPAs by tender and round based auction
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 30.04.2020
Power Purchase Agreements 2.0: Efficient procurement, evaluation and lessons learned
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 22.04.2020
Success factors for the 1st innovation call
Free Webinar, 08.04.2020
Regional heat strategy in a national context
Fee-based Online-Seminar, 26.03.2020
What is it about coloured hydrogen? - Between necessity and business case.
Free Webinar, 17.03.2020
Efficient procurement of PPAs by tender and round based auction
Free Webinar, 26.11.2019
Impact Assessment: Climate Package of the Federal Government
Free Webinar, 17.10.2019
Continued operation of old plants: After the remuneration, the power market is waiting!
Free Webinar 24.06.2019
Focus-study renewable PPAs – French Power Market Outlook 2019 – 2050
Free Webinar, 20.02.2019
The paradigm shift in PV tenders
Free Webinar, 25.02.2019
Status Quo: Market Parity of PV and Onshore Wind in Europe
The PPA era has begun!
Free Webinar, 24.07.2018
Continued operation of old plants: The wind keeps blowing!
Free Webinar, 19.07.2018
Forecast of balancing charges in the market area NCG and GASPOOL
Free Webinar, 04.07.2018
Polish Power Market Outlook 2018-2050
Free Webinar, 27.06.2018
"Up or Down?": The role of gas infrastructure in the course of sector coupling
Free Webinar, 19.06.2018
Post-Groningen era as early as 2022?
Free Webinar, 30.05.2018
Development of negative power prices and §51 EEG
Free Webinar, 28.02.2018
European Power Market Outlook 2018-2045

How may we help you?

Give us a call, send an email or use our contact form. We will be happy to hear from you.

Your Contact

Corinna Dohnke, Dana Engelhardt & Anne Schmitz
Fon +49 (0)30 695175-0